November 13, 2004
Why GetThreadTimes is wrong
Some applications are using GetThreadTimes for doing time measurement. Most people does not know: GetThreadTimes can produce incorrect values!
Some background
To verify this statement, we need to know, how GetThreadTimes is working.
Internally GetThreadTimes calls NtQueryInformationThread with ThreadTimes. This returns the THREAD_TIMES_INFORMATION structure.
NtQueryInformationThread then gets the Thread´s Thread-Information-Block (TCB or TIB) and retrives the Kernel- and User-Times from the TCB and then it will multiply with the “nt!KeMaximumIncrement” and return the result.
You can also dig into GetSystemTimeAdjustment and you will see that for “lpTimeIncrement” the same value is retrived as which is used in the multiply operation in “NtQueryInformationThread”...
The resolution of the returned values is never better than the “TimeIncrement” of the OS. On single-processor systems this is normally 10 ms; on multi-processor-systems (and hypterthreading) it is normally 15 ms.
More investigation
If you dig deeper into the kernel, you find out, that in the timer- (or scheduler-) interrupt (normally every 10/15 ms), the increment of the thread-time values in the current running thread (TCB) is taken place.
This leads to the conculsion, that GetThreadTimes will only produce correct values, if each thread would consume all of its quantum (or at least for the whole time-slice)! So, a thread should never go into wait-states or should be interrupted by other (higher) priority threads. This always leads to wrong values in GetThreadTimes. And you can imagine: In most of the times, your thread will either go into wait-states (best examples are UI programs) or will be interrupted by other (higher priority) threads or interrupts.
With this knowlegde, we can easily produce an example, in which GetThreadTimes will return 0 (zero) times for this thread, even if the thread was running for many seconds or minutes! The only think we must do, is to end our thread quantum, before the time tick is executed.
We can achieve this by doing a very short calculation (for example 2 ms) and the call “Sleep(1)”, which will apruptly end our qunatum and will reschedule or thread the next time the timer-tick is over. And this we reapeat many times (for example 10000; then we have used the CPU for at least 20 seconds; but GetThreadTimes will return 0!). To be sure that the scheduler will not reschedule our thread immediately, we need a second thread which must be ready-to-run all the time (and the times are now counted to this thread).
To cut a long story short: Here is the code:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
DWORD loopCounter = 0;
DWORD loopCounterMax = 1000;
DWORD internalCounter = 0xFFF00000;
DWORD __stdcall CalcThread(LPVOID)
while(loopCounter <= loopCounterMax)
DWORD cnt = internalCounter;
while(cnt != 0) cnt++;
} return 0;
while(loopCounter <= loopCounterMax)
Sleep(0); // just do something...
} return 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
// be sure we only use 1 processor!
SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), 1);
LARGE_INTEGER liStart, liEnd, liFreq;
// test, how much time the inc is using...
DWORD cnt = internalCounter;
while(cnt != 0) cnt++;
double ms = ((double) (liEnd.QuadPart-liStart.QuadPart) * 1000) /
printf("Inc duration: %.3f msnn", ms);
// test-end
HANDLE hThread[ 2 ];
hThread[ 0 ] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, CalcThread, 0, 0, &id);
hThread[ 1 ] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, IdleThread, 0, 0, &id);
WaitForMultipleObjects(2, hThread, TRUE, INFINITE);
ms = ((double) (liEnd.QuadPart-liStart.QuadPart) * 1000) / (double)
printf("Duration: %.3f msnn", ms);
FILETIME ftCreate, ftExit, ftKernel, ftUser;
for(DWORD i=0; i<2; i++)
GetThreadTimes(hThread[i], &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftKernel, &ftUser);
printf("Reported time for thread %dn", i+1);
FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftKernel, &st);
printf("Kernel: %2.2d:%2.2d.%3.3dn", st.wMinute, st.wSecond,
FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftUser, &st);
printf("User: %2.2d:%2.2d.%3.3dnn", st.wMinute, st.wSecond,
return 0;
h5. And here is the output
timeAdjustment: 156250, timeIncrement: 156250, timeAdjustmentDisabled: 1 Inc duration: 2.404 ms Duration: 15679.180 ms Reported time for thread 1 Kernel: 00:00.000 User: 00:00.000 Reported time for thread 2 Kernel: 00:13.093 User: 00:02.437
And you see: thread 1 has 0 (zero) in its thread times (even it was running for 2 seconds)!
There is also a discussion about this in microsoft.public.win32.programmer.kernel
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