November 2007

4th This blog has moved...

October 2007

9th TechEd-Developer 2007 in Barcelona!

3rd .NET Soruce-Code will be published...

September 2007

21st Addition to: How to write Textfiles with encoding in MFC

20th (Unmanaged) Profiler in VS2005 Team-Edition

14th How to write Textfiles with encoding in MFC

August 2007

27th There will be no Release-Candidate (RC) of VS2008

May 2007

30th Balloon-Tooltip with Close-Button

29th InterOp seems to be very voluminous

March 2007

9th HLP-Viewer now available for Vista

3rd Services and Vista (Session 0 isolation)

2nd The registry becomes more and more complex...

February 2007

27th wprintf/wcout and unicode characters in VS2005

January 2007

14th "Windows Developer Search" Gadget for google!

6th Updated Orcas Feature Specification

December 2006

8th Managed C++ to C++/CLI Conversion Tool from Microsoft

5th How to use a new (Vista) PSDK with ATL/MFC applications

November 2006

12th Public available Hotfixes (Pilot Program)

7th Developing on Windows Vista

October 2006

23rd Bug in GetProcessShutdownParameters under WOW64

19th Public petition against voting-computer

4th Writing to the registry under WOW64

September 2006

20th VS2005 SP1 Beta is available

August 2006

11th HOWTO: Implementing is / as and lock in C++/CLI

July 2006

6th The content of VC2005 SP1 is finished...

June 2006

25th HLP help files will no longer work in Vista

15th Hotfix for working with large C++ projects is publicly available to download...

14th Currently available hotfixes for VC2005

10th .NET Framework 3.0 is just a marketing gag!!!

May 2006

23rd Do you understand the registry redirector?

14th How to bypass the WinSxS for CRT/MFC/ATL DLLs

April 2006

17th OMF File Format is not longer supported

12th Do not call "Debug::Assert" in C++/CLI !

5th Got Re-Awarded by MS...

March 2006

22nd Current available KB-Articles which applies to Microsoft Visual * 2005

17th "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter" and VC8

February 2006

19th MiniDumps are now available for managed and mixed-mode assemblies!

17th DLL injection will be restricted in Vista

11th My first Knowledgbase article...

10th Upgrading from managed C++ to C++/CLI

9th The best new feature of MFC 8 (VS2005)

6th Moving from DLL-Hell to .NET-Framework-Hell

2nd Again a new version of dbghelp.dll... again a new bug...

January 2006

21st Microsoft enforces DRM and restricts drivers in Vista x64...

21st When does a program terminate?

20th Are you going to the launch-event for VS.. in Karsruhe (Germany)?

19th Late-Binding in C++...

18th Why does VC not generate a warning if a const-string in non-const parameters...

9th Jet (Access) is not supported on x64...

1st Small managed question...

December 2005

25th The registry is the "victim of it´s own success"!!!

19th Use the PSDK with VC++ Express 2005

1st Performance improvement for VC2005s CRT (x86/IA64)

November 2005

10th How to detect the version of the .NET Framework that is installed on the computer

4th Using the VC 2005 shared CRT/MFC (DLL) without a manifest is not supported!

4th Supported target platforms for VC2005 ?

2nd VC8: _assert is never used anymore

1st Sony has gone too far with his DRM...

October 2005

31st Small performance hit in the VC++ 2005 debug-version...

26th Microsof Knowledge Base: "Machine Translation" is really bad...

22nd Big improvements in Microsoft Product Feedback!

20th _wsetlocale memory-leak with VC7.1 and static CRT

September 2005

6th InterlockedXxx on x64/IA64 (InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedExchange, ...)

August 2005

4th How to extract the CD/DVD boot-image

July 2005

29th My new CP article: Walking the Callstack

June 2005

27th Documentation change of StackWalk64

13th GetModuleFileName may return "incorrect" results for win32-apps running under wow64

7th Resources for developing x64 Applications

5th RegEnumKeyEx should return all keys, shouldn´t it?

2nd Very good article about "Dispose, Finalization, and Resource Management"

April 2005

19th VC2005: Static CRT and /clr is incompatible!

9th Visual Studio 2005 Beta2 is comming!!!

8th Massive GDI-Leak in ListView in Windows-Forms (1.1SP1)

4th Received MVP Award for "Visual Developer - Visual C++"

March 2005

22nd CreateProcess can handle .bat and .cmd files!

17th Confusion about BSS section in DLL/EXEs

17th You always should initialize the whole DCB

February 2005

7th Will .NET 2.0 ship with source code?

January 2005

26th VS2003 SCC-Provider for Team-Foundation-Server!?

26th WMI is very powerful

November 2004

13th Why GetThreadTimes is wrong

10th Windows Internals, 4th Edition is available!

9th EnumResourceNames in C#

6th Extended the very good dumpacl example

5th MS Security Bulletin Newsfeed

4th wprintf/wcout has no UNICODE support

3rd MS Knowledgebase Newsfeed

October 2004

22nd Three Things XML Got Wrong

19th Howto Detect DVD-Drive?

18th What is an ANSI string?

18th Convert from System::String* to TCHAR*/CString

15th Why you should never call Suspend/TerminateThread (Part III)

15th Why you should never call Suspend/TerminateThread (Part II)

September 2004

20th WS-*

20th VC5 / XP-SP2 and help...

8th My codeproject article...

2nd Great post about "How system calls work"

2nd Create a new object in the base class with the correct derived class

2nd How to get the largest available continues memory block

1st How to get the .NET applications path?

1st Why you should never call Suspend/TerminateThread (Part I)

August 2004

31th wprintf has no UNICODE support...

31nd .NET is NOT fully Unicode enabled...

31nd Confusion about .NET1.1 SP1

31nd Small info about this blog...